Theme Pages
Home pages
Portfolio Pages
Reformist Responsive Page Builder
Everything is so simple thanks to Elementor that there is no need to explain. Watch now
Advanced Section Widget
- Custom Section Structure
- Background Parallax with options
- 8+ Particles Effect with 20+ options
- Vegas Background Slider with 15+ Animations

Advanced Elementor Button
- Default Link
- Single Popup Image
- Popup Youtube Video
- Popup Vimeo Video
- Popup Google Maps
- Popup HTML5 Video
- Popup Modal Content
Advanced Elementor Heading
- CSS Transforms
- Jquery Split Text
- CSS Parallax
- CSS Stroke

Parallax Image Widget
- Overflow Options
- Max Transtition
- Delay Option
- Scale Option
- 8 Oriantation Options
And More Widgets
- Odometer Counter
- Default WordPress Menu
- Content slider
- Justified Gallery
- Popup Video
- Testimonial Carousel
- Animated Headline
- Onepage Slider
- Parallax Background
- Blog Posts with all WP Parameters
- Brands Board
- Parallax 2 Images
- Team Member
- CF7 Contact Form with 50+ options
- Custom Google Maps
- Animated Headline
- Particles Background
- Advanced Pricing Tables
Demo Data installation wizard
Everything is easier with the wizard where you can download child theme, plugins and contents step by step!
Custom Footer & Header Templates
Create a template using the elementor and select it for the footer and header. You are right because some things have to be easier now!

2 Type Menu Layouts & Menu Widgets
You can create your unlimited header layouts with custom Menu Widgets, Image Widget, Button and more.
Selling your projects, ideas or products is very easy, get started right away with WooCommerce! Here
Choose From 30+ Beautiful and Functional Ready to use Widgets
Great Support Team!
I appreciate the support that’s provided with this theme. The support team really went the extra mile for me. Paying for support ensures the developers are able to continue helping when problems occur. My support was patient, and I always received a response within 1-4 hours, but usually within the hour. I’m definitely extending my support to be sure I have it for future help that I may need in the future.

Advanced Theme with Powerfull Features
- Animated Parallax
- Advanced Particle
- Vegas Background Slider